About Us




We call ourselves the International Worship Center «Kingdom Church Queensland Australia» and this website has been designed to inform you, who we are and what our vision and values are as a church.

Our desire is that you grow and develop in the purpose that God has for your life.

If today you are visiting this website or are looking for a church; feel safe and confident that in the Tabernacle of Revival Australia you can experience and say

«In this place the Presence of God is a reality»

Kingdom Church Queensland Australia, It is not an ordinary church or to entertain, but we try as much as possible not to be religious and we seek to take the congregation to the Presence of God, where we can be renewed and transformed into the love of God.

We are a Prophetic Apostolic Church with the mission of bringing the people to the living Presence of God, through Praise and Worship in an intimate relationship with The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit and that they can exterminate the power of His Glory in all the areas of their lives.

We are based on The Eternal Rock of Our Lord Jesus Christ and his Glorious Word. We love the Lord, his Glory and we long for his Presence.

As a congregation we are incorporated into the Apostolic Network of the Tabernacle of Revival  San Marcos Guatemala with the direction of Dr. and Apostol Luis Alberto Morales, being a Minister of God and a man who deeply loves the Lord and who from his lips springs a message of zeal Holy and total consecration.

We carry out the work in the Lord’s work from the town of Nerang Gold Coast, and Logan area in the State of Queensland.
We currently have a membership of different nationalities and the Lord has given the Ps. Alfredo Ramirez, the vision of unifying the body of Christ here in Australia.



Nos Llamamos «Kingdom Church» y esta pagina Web ha sido disenada para informarte, quienes somos y cual es nuestra vision y valores como iglesia.

Nuestro deseo es que crezcas y te desarrolles en el proposito que Dios tiene para tu vida.

Si hoy estas visitando esta web o estas en busqueda de una iglesia; sientete seguro y confiado que en el TDA Australia podras experimentar y decir

“En este lugar la Presencia de Dios, es una realidad”

Kingdom Church Queensland Australia, No es una iglesia ordinaria o para entretener, sino que tratamos en lo possible de no ser religiosos y buscamos poder llevar a la congregacion hasta la Presencia de Dios, donde podamos ser renovados y transformados en el amor de Dios.

Somos una iglesia Apostolica Profetica con la mission de llevar al pueblo a la viva Presencia de Dios, atravez de la Alabanza y Adoracion en una relacion intima con El Padre, El Hijo y El Santo Espiritu y que puedan exterimentar el poder de su Gloria en todas las areas de sus vidas.

Estamos fundamentados en La Roca Eterna de Nuestro Senor Jesuscristo y en su GloriosaPalabra. Amamos al Senor, su Gloria y anhelamos su Presencia.

Como congregacion estamos incorporados a la Red Apostolica del Tabernaculo de Avivamiento Miel San Marcos con la direccion del Dr. y Apostol Luis Alberto Morales, siendo un Ministro de Dios y un hombre que ama profundamente al Senor y que de sus labios brota un mensaje de celo Santo y consagracion total.

Realizamos el trabajo en la obra del Senor desde la localidad de Gold Coast, y Logan Area en el Estado de Queensland.

Contamos actualmente con una membresia de distintas nacionalidades y el Senor le ha dado al Ps. Alfredo Ramirez, la vision de unificar al cuerpo de Cristo aca en Australia.